Week 6: Feb 11-15
- Recognise numbers 16 & 17 - value and formation.
- Practise adding numbers to 10.
- Identify AB and ABC patterns.
Understanding the World (Science/ Social studies)
1-Category fruits and vegetables into different groups according to where they came from such as : ( trees- small plants or bushes- ground- underground).

By the end of the session, students will be able to:
1- Identify what is the digraph?
2- Define the “sh”, “ch” and differentiate between the two digraphs.
3- Recall some words that have the digraph sh,ch and read some sentences with both digraphs.
4- Remember the sight words(I,the,a,put,can,go,no,do,am,is).
5- Demonstrate the new sight words( my,of).
6-Apply some activities for the “sh” and”ch”digraph.
Kindly find the ditty sheets number 8&9 attached.
التعرف على الحركات القصيرة لحرف الزاي والدال والقاف ) الفتحة - الكسرة - الضمة
Physical Development
Dance :
1-Shake It Off Dance
2-Zumba kids levitating
main :
1-Monkey jump
2- rabbit walk
Expressions and way of performing it with music
(Allegro - andante)
International day songs
Religion- Islam
قصة (أصحاب الفيل )
Religion- Christian