Week 4: Jan 28- Feb 1


  • Recognize the sound /b/, /k/, /ck/.
  • Extend their vocabulary/ practice handwriting.
  • Practice blending RWI green words (bad-bin-bug-kit-duck-sock)
  • Practice word family (ug)

         kit- bug-bag-bin-sock-duck         


  • Recognise numbers 13 & 14 - formation and number value.
  • Compare number value: greater than, smaller than, and equal to - using correspondent symbols.
  • Recognise number word "five"
  • Identify 3D shape "sphere" and compare it to circle.

Understanding the World (Science/ Social studies)

  • Investigate different types of seeds.

  • Recognise the major parts of a plant, including roots, stem, leaves, and flowers.

Arabic حرف الألف

Physical Development

Dance :

1-Shake It Off Dance

2-Zumba kids levitating

main :

1-Star jump


Musical band with percussion instruments and students preform song using different instruments .


Religion- Islam

*سورة الفلق 

*التعرف على أركان الإسلام

*أغنية الصدق

Religion- Christian