Week 10: March 10- 14
- Recognize the sound /w/, /y/.
- Extend their vocabulary/ practice handwriting.
- Practice blending RWI green words (yes-yum-wet-web-win).
- Practice word family (et)
1. Practise oral counting to 40 2. Ordering Numbers before and after to 20 3. Practise different ways of making number bonds of 3 and 4 4. Identify 3D “Cuboid” and compare it to rectangle |
Understanding the World (Science/ Social studies)

Recognise what a continent is.
Identify the seven continents.
Identify that each continent has its unique characteristics, cultures, and environments Earth.
Recognise iconic animals from different countries.
Explore different cultural celebrations around the world.
By the end of the session, students will be able to:
1- Remember the digraphs: sh, ch, ,th, ng, qu.
2- Apply different activities on the digraphs.
3- Remember the sight words.
4-Identify the sight word "was".
5- Read simple sentences ”ditty sheets”.
6- Read simple story ”red ditty book2”
7- Read the ORT "Oxford Reading Tree" story ”In the tent”.
kindly find the ditty sheets 20&21 and the red ditty book 2 attached for extra practice:
كتابة كلمات ( فراشة - فيل - فل ) في البوكليت المدرسي
إملاء كلمات حرف الفاء
Physical Development
Dance :
1-Bubble It
2-Zumba kids levitating
main :
1- Balance walk
2- Upstairs and downstairs
simple for Body percussion.
Ramadan songs .
Religion- Islam
التعرف على سلوكيات شهر رمضان
Religion- Christian