Week 12: March 24- 28


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1. Solve addition problems on number line.

2. Practise skip counting by 10’s

3. Identify 3D shape “cone”

4. Identify colour word “purple”

Understanding the World (Science/ Social studies)

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  • Recognise what a continent is.

  • Identify the seven continents.

  • Identify that each continent has its unique characteristics, cultures, and environments Earth.

  • Recognise iconic animals from different countries.

  • Explore different cultural celebrations around the world.


By the end of the session, students will be able to:

1-Recognize the new digraph”ai”.

2-Remember the digraphs ”sh,ch,th,ng and qu”.

3-Recall the sight words.

4- Identify the new sight word"look".

5-Apply different activities on the digraphs.

6- Read the ditty sheet 24.

kindly find the attached ditty sheet , the interactive game and the interactive worksheet for extra practice:


كتابة كلمات ( لبن - لسان - لعب ) في البوكليت المدرسي

إملاء كلمات حرف الفاء

Physical Development

Dance :

1-Bubble It

2-Zumba kids levitating

main :

1- Star Jump

2- Upstairs and downstairs


play some music notes on the piano .

annual show songs .


Religion- Islam

قصة سيدنا يونس عليه السلام

Religion- Christian