Week 13: March 31- April 4
Dear parents, kindly be notified that this week was for revision and assessment as it marks the end of Term 2. We're extremely proud of our lovely young learners for their perseverance and hard work which was well observed throughout this term and we wish you all a joyful holiday!
Here are the objectives that were covered for this week's assessment.
- I can count and fill in missing numbers to 20
- I can compare number value: < > =
- I solve addition sentences using manipulative's.
- I can solve addition sentences using a number line.
- I can identify numbers before and after.
- I can count by 10’s
- I can identify 2D shapes: diamond, oval, heart, star, crescent, semi-circle, pentagon, hexagon and octagon.
- I can identify number words and colour words.
- I can identify 3D shapes: cube, sphere, and cuboids. (using concrete objects)

Understanding the World (Science/ Social studies)
kindly find the attached ditty sheets, Rhino Reader stories and interactive games for extra practice:
Arabic حرف الألف
Physical Development
Dance :
1-Bubble It
2-Zumba kids levitating
main :
1- Star Jump
2- Upstairs and downstairs
annual show songs .
Religion- Islam
Religion- Christian