Week 7:  June 2- 6



Dear parents, kindly note that this week was rehearsal week for our end of the year show "Charlie and the chocolate factory"

Understanding the World (Science/ Social studies)

This week we did a recap on all themes covered this term.


By the end of the session, students will be able to:

1-Recognize the new digraph ”ue”.

2-Remember the digraph”sh,ch,th,ng, qu,ai,ay,ee, oa and ie”.

3-Recall the sight words.

4-Apply different activities on the digraph”ue”.


كتابة كلمات ( ولد  - وسادة - ورود ) في البوكليت المدرسي

إملاء كلمات حرف الواو 

كتابة كلمات ( ثور  - ثياب - ثوم  ) في البوكليت المدرسي

إملاء كلمات حرف الثاء

Physical Development

Dance :

1-Shake It Off Dance

2-Zumba kids levitating

main :

1-Star jump

annual show dance.


annual show songs .

Religion- Islam

آداب الدخول والخروج من الخلاء.