Week 2: April 28- May 1st
- Recognize the new diagraph /sh/ :
- Extend their vocabulary/ practice handwriting.
- Practice blending RWI green words (ship-shop-fish-wish).
- Practice word family (ip):
1. Solve addition problems to 20 on number line. 2. Compare lengths: long, short, and tall. 3. Identify 3D shape “Cylinder” 4. Practise oral counting to 50 5. Identify Colour word “Orange” |
Understanding the World (Science/ Social studies)
Differentiate between saltwater and freshwater bodies ( ocean, river, lake, pond, and sea ) .
Recognise and name diverse habitats where animals live, such as ( the ocean “salt water” , “fresh water” at river, pond,…)
Explore that animal have adapted their bodies and movements to suit their habitats and lifestyle.

By the end of the session, students will be able to:
1-Recognize the digraph”ai”.
2-Identify the new digraph “ay”.
3-Read some words with “ay”
4-Differentiate between “ai”, and “ay”.
4-Remember the digraph”sh,ch,th,ng and qu”.
5-Recall the sight words.
6-Read the Red ditty story ”4”.
7-Read the ditty sheet 31,32,33,34 and 47.
kindly find the Red ditty story 4 "Jam" attached for extra practice:
كتابة كلمات ( زرافة - زر - زجاجة ) في البوكليت المدرسي
إملاء كلمات حرف الزاي
كتابة كلمات ( دجاجة - ديك - دب ) في البوكليت المدرسي
إملاء كلمات حرف الدال
Physical Development
Dance :
1-Shake It Off Dance
2-Zumba kids levitating
main :
1-Star jump
annual show dance.
play some games with music .
annual show songs .
Religion- Islam
قصة سيدنا سليمان والنملة