Week 1: April 21- 24 


  • Recognize the new diagraph /ch/ : 
  • Extend their vocabulary/ practice handwriting.
  • Practice blending RWI green words (chin-chop-chat).
  • Practice word family (ig).


1. Solve addition problems on number line.

2. Compare lengths: long, short, and tall.

3. Practise oral counting to 50

4. Identify number word “nine”

Understanding the World (Science/ Social studies)

  • Differentiate between saltwater and freshwater bodies ( ocean, river, lake, pond, and sea ) .

  • Recognise and name diverse habitats where animals live, such as ( the ocean “salt water” , “fresh water” at river, pond,…)

  • Explore that animal have adapted their bodies and movements to suit their habitats and lifestyle.


By the end of the session, students will be able to:

1-Recognize the digraph”ai”.

2- Identify the new digraph “ay”.

3- Read some words with “ay”

4- differentiate between “ai”, and “ay”.

5-Remember the digraph”sh,ch,th,ng and qu”.

6-Recall the sight words.

7-Read the Red ditty story ”4”.

8- Read the ditty sheet 31,32

kindly find the attached ditty sheets for extra practice:


كتابة كلمات ( سمك - سكين - سلم ) في البوكليت المدرسي

إملاء كلمات حرف السين

كتابة كلمات ( جمل - جسر - جبن) في البوكليت المدرسي

إملاء كلمات حرف الجيم

Physical Development

Dance :

1-Shake It Off Dance

2-Zumba kids levitating

main :

1-Star jump

annual show dance.


play some games with music .

annual show songs .


Religion- Islam

دعاء الدخول إلى المنزل .

Religion- Christian