Trips, Events, and Birthdays

Welcome Parents to Our Field Trips, Events, and Birthdays Guidelines

  • Trips:
    •  Sign and return permission slips for field trips and special events in a timely manner. Please adhere to the deadlines required by the school.
    • For FS1 and FS2: All trips MUST be purchased through the Spare Online Store (tutorial).
  • Events:
    • All students must participate in classroom celebrations and events to foster a sense of community.
  • Student Birthdays:
    • Coordinate with the class teacher regarding birthday celebrations. 
    • Birthday celebrations will be allowed only on Thursdays.
    • Finger food, cupcakes only.
    • Share family trips, outings, and special moments or family's cultural celebrations and traditions with the class to enhance cultural awareness and to enrich their understanding of the world.
  • Confidentiality: 
    • Respect the privacy of other families by not sharing personal information or photos without consent.