Healthy Meals

Welcome Parents to Our Healthy Meals Guidelines

  • Balanced Meals:
    • Provide your child with a variety of nutrient-rich foods from all food groups. Include fruits, vegetables, proteins, yoghurt, or nuts in their meals.
    • Limit sugary snacks, sugary drinks, and processed food. Opt for water, milk, or fruit juices instead.
    • Encourage your child to drink water throughout the day. Dehydration can affect concentration and energy levels. Send enough amount of water (water bottles or flasks should be labeled with their name).
    • A colorful lunchbox is a healthy one!
    • Lead by Example: Children learn from their surroundings. When they see you making healthy food choices and staying hydrated, they're more likely to follow suit.
  • Allergies and Dietary Restrictions: 
    • Inform us of any allergies or dietary restrictions your child has. Pack snacks and lunches accordingly.
  • School Cafeteria:
    • Pre-order healthy meals from the school cafeteria through the Spare app. 
    • You can add product restrictions and allergy information on the Spare app. This will automatically prevent the purchase of items from the cafeteria that don't align with those restrictions.

This is a message from our teachers.

Dear parents/guardians:

Sending healthy food to school is essential for your child's development. Nutritious meals fuel their brains, support growth, and establish lifelong healthy habits. Balanced meals boost concentration and energy levels, aiding in learning and social interactions.

We are here to assist with ideas and resources for healthy lunches.

Provide your kid/s with the following

Healthy items

Avoid providing (Do not provide) your kid/s with the following Unhealthy items

- Cheese sandwiches

- Cold cuts sandwiches

- Date biscuits

- Fruits

- Vegetables

- Homemade burger

- Sausages

- Grilled chicken sandwiches

- Popcorn

- Peanut butter sandwiches

- Jam sandwiches

- Honey sandwiches

- Pasta

- Pizza

- Yogurt

- Eggs

- Nuts

- Milk

- Flavored milk (chocolate/banana/strawberry)

- Chocolate sandwiches

- Cookies and biscuits

- Fried food

- Cakes

- Cupcakes

- Chips

- Bake rolls

- French Fries

- Processed juice

Your partnership in nurturing our young learners' well-being is greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,