Attendance, Arrival, and Departure

Welcome Parents to Our Arrival and Departure Guidelines

  • Arrival Time: Starting from 7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.
    • Please arrive on time so that your child can begin their day with their peers. Please note that in case of any tardiness, students should have already had their breakfast at home to avoid any class flow disruptions.
  • Departure Time: Starting from 2:30 to 3:00 p.m.
    • Please notify us if someone else will be picking up your child. Please provide valid identification for anyone who is not on the authorized pickup list. Parents must email or call the school reception.
  • Attendance:
    • Regular attendance helps your child build a routine and stay engaged in learning.
    • In case of a long period of absence, teachers should be notified via the school's official channels.