Week 2: Jan 14-18

Year 8 students' are enjoying interactive learning through Kahoot

Year 8 Students' are enjoying hands-on activities on components of sound waves

SundayPPT: Slide 2 till 6

6.1 Sound.pptx

MondayDiscussing projects of Science fair
TuesdaySlide 7 till 10

Workbook p.112

Classified p. 70 till 80 at chemistry classified
WednesdayFrom slide 11 till 30 

6.1 Sound.pptx

Classified p. 50 till 60 at physics classified
ThursdayInterference of sound 6.2 Interference.pptx

From slide 2 till 23

Workbook p. 113 & 114

Learners book p. 210, 211 and 215

Learning Objectives

  • find out about the amplitude of a sound wave

• find out about the frequency of a sound wave

• learn how amplitude is linked to loudness

• learn how frequency is related to pitch

• learn how to recognise amplitude and frequency from a diagram of a sound wave (waveform).

•find out how sound waves can reinforce each other to make louder sounds

•find out how sound waves can cancel each other out to make no sound

PowerPoint Presentation

Loudness and Pitch of Sound

Interference of sound


Components of the wave

Interferences of sound waves