Week 12: Mar 24-28-Revision week

Topics included in Term 2 Exam

UnitContentsSummary note

 Properties of materials

5.1 Metals and non-metals

5.2 Comparing metals and non-metals

5.3 Metal mixtures

5.4 Using the properties of materials to separate mixtures

5.5 Acids and alkalis

5.6 Indicators and the pH scale

End of Unit 5 Revision Pack.pdf

 Earth physics

6.1 Sound waves

6.2 Reflections of sound

6.3 Structure of the Earth

6.4 Changes in the Earth

6.5 Solar and lunar eclipses

End of Unit 6 Revision Pack.pdf

 Microorganisms in the environment

7.1 Microorganisms

7.2 Food chains and webs

7.3 Microorganisms and decay

7.4 Microorganisms in food webs

End of Unit 7 Revision Pack.pdf

 Changes to materials

8.1 Simple chemical reactions

8.2 Neutralisation

8.3 Investigating acids and alkalis

8.4 Detecting chemical reactions

End of Unit 8 Revision Pack.pdf
Scientific Skills - Identification Key

- Types of scientific enquiry

- Scientific method
Identification key.pdf

Scientific Enquiry.pptx

Scientific Method.pptx