Week 3: May 5 - 9

Can we solve the problem of world hunger?

Learning objectives

Students can problem solve imaginary scenario

Students find information in texts to answer questions

Students can identify which answer suits which question

Keyword/Key vocabulary

Food pyramids, necessity, luxury, pie chart

Activity 1 

Students think of a problem they had to solve: what was the problem and how did you overcome it? Did you need advice to solve it?

Activity 2 

Worksheet 5.6 (A)- read the problem aloud to the class.

Each student tries to find a solution to the fox, chicken and grain story.

Students explain their solution.

Activity 3 

Look at the infographic in the student handbook Pg 79

Does the person who created it think that world hunger is a problem we need to solve or not?

Activity 3 

Match on the board the correct infographic to the text and image – Teacher worksheet 5.6 (B)