Week 3: May 5 - 9
Can we solve the problem of world hunger?
Learning objectives
Students can problem solve imaginary scenario |
Students find information in texts to answer questions |
Students can identify which answer suits which question |
Keyword/Key vocabulary
Food pyramids, necessity, luxury, pie chart
Activity 1
Students think of a problem they had to solve: what was the problem and how did you overcome it? Did you need advice to solve it?
Activity 2
Worksheet 5.6 (A)- read the problem aloud to the class.
Each student tries to find a solution to the fox, chicken and grain story.
Students explain their solution.
Activity 3
Look at the infographic in the student handbook Pg 79
Does the person who created it think that world hunger is a problem we need to solve or not?
Activity 3
Match on the board the correct infographic to the text and image – Teacher worksheet 5.6 (B)