Week 1: Apr 21-24
Should we all have the same?
Learning objectives
Students reflect on how initial responses to the enquiry may have changed by the end of the lesson and why |
Students take part in an interactive activity to determine what is ‘fair’ and if we all have the same need |
Students discuss how needs may be different for different people |
Activity 1
Read Zaweel's message – Questions to consider do we all need the same things to live; Should everyone have the same amount things.
Activity 2
Hand out to some students 10 (pretend) sweets and others one sweet.
Hand out worksheet 5.2 to the class. Ask students to complete 1-4 then compare answers
Discuss as a class Q3 and 4.
Activity 3
Take back the sweets, regroup the class so that half are ‘children’ and the other half are ‘adults’.
Ask how they think the sweets should be handed out now.
Discuss : so we think that it would be fair if adults have the least amount of sweets and children have the most?
Students then complete Q5-8, they then compare their answers with a partner. Discuss their responses to Q6,7, and 8
Activity 4
Hand out some money to the ‘adults. Then tell the class that they can all have some sweets, but that they will have to pay one coin for each sweet
Discuss: ‘is this fair? Why or why not? Why do you think the adults might have money, but the children don't?
Activity 5
Finally, all students are adults but only give half the class money
Discuss: ‘is if fair now that you are all adults? Do you think this is they way society works? Is fairness important in society? Is fairness about sharing everything equally?
How much does a bowl of stew cost ?
Learning objectives
Students understand and compare information in simple pie charts |
Students discuss if the enquiry question can be improved |
Students can critically analyse data |
Activity 1
Look at exercise 1 in the student handbook. Find out or estimate how much the ingredient cost to make bean stew in Egypt. Then google the answer on the board
Answer the following questions :
Do you think this is expensive or not?
Do you think everyone would think the same as you?
Why might people think differently ?
Activity 2
In Groups work out how much a police officer, a footballer and a nurse’s weekly wages they would have to spend if they ate bean stew every day in Egypt
Footballer weekly wage; $60, 000
Nurses weekly wage; $1,118
Police officers weekly wage; $1,195
Ask why the footballer gets paid more than a nurse or a police officer
Activity 3
Discuss Toshi comment
People in some countries find it easier to pay for food then in other countries
Why's that?
Look at the pie charts on page 73
Find out which countries can afford the most bean stew
Write a conclusion based on the data:
On average, the richer country is the USA because the less of a person's daily income they will need to spend on basic food
Activity 4
Read Toshi’s last message
“ so , is how much does a bowl of bean stew cost? The best question to ask? Can you think of a better question in pairs”
The best question would get a merit