WEEK 7 : 2 - 6 JUN

Paper Plate Weaving Flower

Materials Needed

  • · Paper plates
  • · Colored yarn or ribbon
  • · Scissors
  • · Hole punch
  • · Pencils or markers for decorating the paper plate


  • Preparing the Paper Plate
  • · Instruct students to decorate the paper plate using pencils or markers, creating a design for the center of their flower.
  • · Assist students in punching evenly spaced holes around the edge of the paper plate.
  • Weaving the Flower
  • · Demonstrate the over-under weaving technique using colored yarn or ribbon.
  • · Encourage students to weave the yarn or ribbon through the punched holes, creating the petals of their paper plate weaving flower.
  • ·

    Provide guidance and support to students as they experiment with different weaving patterns and color combinations.