Lesson 2- Grammar- pronouns

Exploring the World of Pirates

Vocabulary Words Included: mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours

Ahoy, mateys! Let's set sail on an exciting adventure to learn about pirates. Pirates were daring sailors who roamed the seas looking for treasure to claim as their own. Some pirates would bury their treasure on remote islands, making it theirs to come back to later.

When a pirate found treasure, they would declare, "This treasure is mine!" The treasure belonged to them, and they would do whatever it took to protect it from others who wanted to claim it as theirs.

Each pirate had their own collection of shiny coins and precious jewels. They would say, "This treasure chest is yours," when showing off their loot to a fellow crewmate. It meant that the treasure belonged to that person and not to anyone else.

Sometimes pirates would assist each other in finding treasure. If a pirate helped their friend discover a hidden map leading to gold coins, they might say, "This map is ours now." It meant that the treasure belonged to both of them to share and enjoy together.

Pirates were protective of their belongings, including their swords and flags. If a pirate saw someone trying to take their flag, they would shout, "That flag is hers!" to claim ownership and make sure it stayed in their possession.

When pirates worked together to attack a rival ship, they might exclaim, "Those cannons are theirs!" This showed that the cannons belonged to the whole crew, and they would use them to defend their ship and claim victory.

In the exciting world of pirates, everything from treasure to weapons had an owner. Whether it was mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, or ours, pirates were always ready to defend what belonged to them on the high seas. Arrr!

Understanding Pronouns in Pirate Tales:

  1. Who would declare, "This treasure is mine!" when finding treasure?
  2. What does the pronoun "theirs" refer to in the sentence, "It meant that the treasure belonged to both of them to share and enjoy together"?
  3. In the sentence, "That flag is hers!" who does the pronoun "hers" refer to?
  4. When would a pirate exclaim, "This treasure chest is yours," to a fellow crewmate?
  5. What does the pronoun "it" refer to in the sentence, "It meant that the treasure belonged to that person and not to anyone else"?
  6. Who would say, "Those cannons are theirs!" during a pirate attack on a rival ship?
  7. If a pirate helped their friend discover a hidden map, what pronoun would they use when saying, "This map is ours now"?
  8. In the sentence, "If a pirate saw someone trying to take their flag," what does the pronoun "their" refer to?
  9. What does the pronoun "them" refer to in the sentence, "…they would use them to defend their ship and claim victory"?
  10. When pirates worked together to find treasure, what pronoun would they use to say, "This treasure chest is yours"?

Answer Key:

  1. A pirate
  2. Treasure
  3. To a pirate
  4. When showing off their loot to a fellow crewmate
  5. The treasure chest
  6. The whole crew
  7. Ours
  8. A pirate's belongings
  9. Cannons
  10. A fellow crewmate