Lesson 1- vocab

Text Dependent Questions for "Discovering Pirates":

  1. What were pirates known for sailing in search of?
  2. Describe the ships of the pirates.
  3. How did the pirate flag make people feel?
  4. Why was life as a pirate considered exciting?
  5. What is one thing pirates hoped to find on mysterious islands?
  6. Explain the experience of walking through a dense jungle as described in the text.
  7. Why was a treasure chest overflowing with gold and jewels considered a splendid sight for pirates?
  8. How did the pirates celebrate finding a treasure chest?
  9. When the text mentions the gems sparkling in the dim light of the cave, what word is used to describe them?
  10. In what ways can you connect the description of pirates in the text to stories or movies you have encountered before?

Answer Key:

  1. Pirates were known for sailing the vast ocean in search of treasure.
  2. Their ships were grand and spacious, with billowing sails that caught the wind.
  3. The pirate flag struck fear into the hearts of those who saw it.
  4. Life as a pirate was exciting because they explored mysterious islands and found splendid treasures.
  5. Pirates hoped to find hidden riches on mysterious islands.
  6. Students' own explanation.
  7. A treasure chest overflowing with gold and jewels was considered splendid because of the sparkle of the gems.
  8. The pirates celebrated finding a treasure chest with songs and dances.
  9. Stunning
  10. Answers may vary