Revision- Quiz 4

Vocabulary Words Included: colossal, tremendous, eager and keen, trustworthy, gracious, briskly

Life is a colossal adventure filled with many surprises. From the moment we are born, we embark on a tremendous journey of learning and growing. Children are often very eager and keen to discover new things, just like little explorers.

In life, it is important to surround ourselves with trustworthy friends and family who we can rely on. These are the people who are always there for us, no matter what. A trustworthy friend is like a shining light on a dark night.

Being kind and gracious is another important part of life. When we are gracious, we show appreciation and respect to others. A simple smile or a polite "thank you" can go a long way in making someone's day brighter.

Life moves briskly like a squirrel jumping from tree to tree. We must cherish each moment and enjoy the journey, embracing all the ups and downs along the way. Remember, life is what we make of it, so let's make it a beautiful story to remember.

Read the text and answer the questions:

1. 1- What is life compared to in the text?


2. How does the text describe children?


3. Why is it important to have trustworthy friends and family?


4. What does the text say a trustworthy friend is like?


5. Can you think of a time when you showed kindness like in the text?


6-Find an adverb in the last paragraph


7-Find a sentence with speech marks


8- In life, it is important to surround ourselves with trustworthy friends and family who we can rely on.

What does the word trust mean?


9-Find a suffix word in the second paragraph


10-Find a synonym word with its antonym in the last paragraph.


11-Find a present tense


12-Find an adjective


13-Life is brighter than anything in the world.

Rewrite this sentence using superlative.


Model Answers:

1. Life is compared to a colossal adventure filled with many surprises.

2. The text describes children as eager and keen to discover new things, like little explorers.

3. It's important to have trustworthy friends and family because they are always there for us, no matter what.

4. A trustworthy friend is compared to a shining light on a dark night.

5. Answers may vary, but an example could be helping a friend or sharing toys

6. Briskly

7. "thank you"

8. Trustful

9. Brighter

10. Ups and downs

11. Moves and embark

12. Shining and dark

13. Life is the brightest thing in the world.