Revision- Quiz 3

A Trip Under the Sea

Vocabulary Words Included: cautious, glorious, accomplished, devoted, essential, microscopic, vicious

Today, we are going on an amazing adventure under the sea! As we dive into the deep blue ocean, we need to be cautious and move slowly so we don't startle any of the sea creatures.

The underwater world is full of glorious colors and amazing sights. We will see beautiful coral reefs, shimmering fish, and mysterious shipwrecks. It truly is a glorious place to explore!

Our journey is led by an accomplished marine biologist who has spent years studying the ocean and its inhabitants.

As we swim deeper, we come across a family of seahorses. These special creatures are known for being devoted parents, always taking care of their babies in the underwater world.

Water is essential for all life under the sea. Without water, the fish, corals, and other creatures could not survive. It is truly the most essential element for ocean life.

If we could look through a microscopic lens, we would see tiny plankton floating in the water. These small things are the main parts of the ocean food chain, feeding many of the vicious predators lurking in the deep.

Our trip under the sea is an unforgettable experience, full of wonder and discovery. Who knew that such a magical world existed right beneath the waves?

Read the text and answer the following questions:

1-What cautious do we need to take as we dive into the deep blue ocean?


2-What do we expect to see while exploring the underwater world?


3-Who is leading our underwater journey, and what makes them qualified for this role?


4-Describe the family of seahorses encountered during the dive.


5-Why is water described as the most essential element for ocean life?


6-What role do plankton play in the ocean food chain?


7-Find a question in the text and write it down.


Find the following from the text:

8- Water is essential for all life under the sea.

What does the word “essential” mean?


9- The underwater world is full of glorious colors and amazing sights.

Write an antonym for the word “glorious”


10-Find a word that has suffix and prefix at the same time in the last paragraph.


11-Find an adverb in the first paragraph


12- As we swim deeper, we come across a family of seahorses. said the biologist

Rewrite this sentence using speech marks.


13-What is the text about? Is it fiction or non-fiction?


14-Find a noun and an adjective that describes this noun in the 1st paragraph.


Model Answers:

  • we need to be cautious and move slowly so we don't startle any of the sea creatures.
  • The underwater world is full of glorious colors and amazing sights. We will see beautiful coral reefs, shimmering fish, and mysterious shipwrecks. It truly is a glorious place to explore!
  • Our journey is led by an accomplished marine biologist who has spent years studying the ocean and its inhabitants.
  • These special creatures are known for being devoted parents, always taking care of their babies in the underwater world.
  • Without water, the fish, corals, and other creatures could not survive. It is truly the most essential element for ocean life.
  • These small things are the main parts of the ocean food chain, feeding many of the vicious predators lurking in the deep.
  • Who knew that such a magical world existed right beneath the waves?
  • Important
  • Awful
  • Unforgettable
  • Truly
  • “As we swim deeper, we come across a family of seahorses.” said the biologist
  • Fiction, because it is an adventure
  • shimmering fish, and mysterious shipwrecks