Week 14: Dec 10-14
How can we share water ?
Learning objective
Students decide on a solution to a problem in a story, giving a response |
Students talk about what they were able to ask and say about choosing a solution |
Discuss the importance of water to sea life and land animals
Discuss different ways animals use water
Activity 1
As a class read the hare story – let the students read each paragraph
Discuss what the hare did wrong
Activity 2
Discuss as a class how the animals can stop the hare from drinking their water.
Learning objective
Students can work in groups |
Students can suggest solutions to water problems |
Discuss what we learned from the previous lessons
Discuss solutions to water problems.
In groups make a poster with pictures explaining :
The importance of water I.e people drinking water
Water is used at home. I.e people washing their food and clothes
Where we can find water I.e rivers , dams, sea , ponds
What can you do in water i.e swimming, surfing , kayaking etc