Week 13: Dec 3-7

Why is Water important  - unit 3 L3 

Learning objective 

Students talk about the importance of water 

Students can give reasons why water is important 


-Water is a key element for life

- People can only survive three days without water 

-70% of the Earth is covered in water and the human body holds up to 60 % 

Why Do We Drink Water? | Importance Of Water | Stay Hydrated | The Dr Binocs Show | Peekaboo Kidz - YouTube

Activity 1

Discuss what the images below represent

Look at the photo again and discuss what will happen if there is no water


What can you do in water? - Unit 3 L 4 

learning objective 

Students share drawings and answer questions about them.

Students construct and use questions to ask about water sports.


Recap why is water important from the last lesson.

Watch videos of different water sports

Water Sports in English - Water Sports English Vocabulary - YouTube

Activity 1

Students are going to mime a sport and they will have to guess. Select 3 students to join and mime a sport who have picked.

Ideas rowing, canoeing, paddleboarding, swimming, ….

Activity 2

Complete the worksheet, drawing a picture of a water sport, and explain where can you do this and what would you see

Recap the lesson. Once finished.