Week 13: Dec 3-7
Why is Water important - unit 3 L3
Learning objective
Students talk about the importance of water
Students can give reasons why water is important
-Water is a key element for life
- People can only survive three days without water
-70% of the Earth is covered in water and the human body holds up to 60 %
Activity 1
Discuss what the images below represent
Look at the photo again and discuss what will happen if there is no water
Students share drawings and answer questions about them. |
Students construct and use questions to ask about water sports. |
Recap why is water important from the last lesson.
Watch videos of different water sports
Water Sports in English - Water Sports English Vocabulary - YouTube
Activity 1
Students are going to mime a sport and they will have to guess. Select 3 students to join and mime a sport who have picked.
Ideas rowing, canoeing, paddleboarding, swimming, ….
Activity 2
Complete the worksheet, drawing a picture of a water sport, and explain where can you do this and what would you see
Recap the lesson. Once finished.