Week 13 : Dec: 3-7 / Revision Materials   

Revision Week :

Materials have been covered at Term 1: 

Unit 1: Photosynthesis and the Carbon Cycle Unit 2 Properties of materials
Unit 3 Forces and energy 
Unit 4 Maintaining life
Unit 5 Reactivity
1.1 Photosynthesis
 2.1 Atomic structure and the Periodic Table
3.1 Density 
 4.1 Plants and water 
 5.1 The Reactivity Series 
1.2 More about Photosynthesis 
 2.2 Trends in Groups within the Periodic Table 
3.2 Heat and temperature 
4.2 Transpiration 
5.2 Using the reactivity series and displacement reactions 
1.3 The Carbon Cycle 
2.3 Why elements react to form compounds 
3.3 Conservation of energy 
4.3 Excretion in humans 
5.3 Salts 
1.4 Climate Change
2.4 Simple and giant structures
3.4 Moving from hot to cold 
4.4 Keeping a fetus healthy
5.4 Other ways of making salts

3.5 Ways of transferring thermal energy 

3.6 Cooling by evaporation

Questions Pack

Model answer of Challenging questions