Week 4: Jan 28 -1

Drawing of Eiffel Tower

Imagine what traveling was like before the advent of cameras. How did people remember their voyage without a smartphone or social media? Postcards were a popular souvenir, as were paintings and sketches. If you were an artist and privileged enough to travel, it was common practice to sketch and paint your way through Europe. Paris, Rome and Venice were all popular artistic destinations. Nowadays, this artistic spirit remains alive in some ways. You’ll still find painters along the edge of the Seine, at Place du Tertre selling their canvases in Montmartre, and even copying the great masters in the Louvre Museum


Now students that would like to learn how to draw the Eiffel Tower have an easy tutorial to help them out. The real tower is a complex construction of steel beams, but this step by step lesson reduces all those many elements to some easy to draw lines that even young elementary students can see and understand.

Step by Step Directions for Eiffel Tower Project

Time needed: 45 minutes.

How to Draw the Eiffel Tower

  • Draw three rectangles like the ones shown.
  • Add the bottom tower legs.
  • Finish the upper tower and the top.
  • Add the vertical line as shown.
  • Draw the details of the bottom tower.
  • Add the bottom tower XX's
  • Draw the upper tower XX's.
  • Finish the drawing with the landscape and sky.
  • Trace with a marker and color.