Week 6: Feb 11-15 

Algorithms, flowcharts, and sub-routines- Coding with Python- Night in the Museum game

Learning objectives:

  • Select and use appropriate comparison operators in algorithms, limited to <,>, <=, >=, == (equal to) and != (not equal to).
  • Predict the outcome of flowcharts that use selection.
  • Understand and use selection statements, limited to IF, THEN, ELSE, presented as flowcharts.

For drawing an accurate flowchart use the following checklist :

  • it must always have a start and a stop
  • all inputs and outputs must be in a parallelogram
  • all processes must be in a rectangle
  • a selection must only have true/yes or false/no as answers
  • a selection must be in a diamond
  • all boxes apart from selection should have one arrow going in, and one arrow going out
  • selection must have two arrows going out, labelled as true/yes and false/no
  • every box must join to another box
  • data flows must have arrows to show which way to work through the flowchart.

Game images:

Game code:

To add a game title:

To define and name Coin, Mummy, background and score:

 def draw(): function:

def update (): function: