Week 4: Oct 1-5

I Love this lesson: Students enjoy doing this. No two are alike. It gives the students some control (which they like).




  1. In the second part of this drawing, Learners begin to fill in each square on the grid with color, shape, and pattern.
  2. Learners chose a different color scheme for the background, hair, face, and shirt.
  3. The color was carefully added with a colored pencil over two sessions
  4. The resulting work was amazing upon completion
  1. What if the students created their own individual still life?
  2. So I put things in 7 different boxes, one for each table.
  3. No one can take something that was below something else, it must be on top. (This helps tremendously.. no fighting over things, no taking long to decide, no choosing the easiest things to draw.)
  4. Starting with number 1, give them 5 seconds to pick an object, then move on to numbers 2, 3, etc. until everyone has one object. We continued this until everyone had 3 things. (Students are allowed to add their own fourth element if they so choose...
  5. Students arrange their things however they want. Tell them to push their still life away with at least one arm before they start painting. (Many want objects next to their paper...not good for displaying properly.)
  6. Students work on drawing a contour of objects
  7. The student begins by drawing the things that appear in the foreground and then what appears from the back