Week 12: Mar 24-28

What do we need to live?

Learning objectives 

Students listen to presentations about the things we need, discuss how similar ideas and suggest reason for this

Students listen to others present their drawings about things we need and respond to their ideas in groups

Activity 1 

in groups think of synonyms of the word need  or objects we Need 

Activity 2

As groups decide how and who will present the drawings and will say what in order.

Activity 3 

As a class write the common items that were said throughout the class

work out a rough percentage of similar / different items or even a Venn diagram

Discuss why certain items may be important to others but not themselves

Activity 4 

Read the activity instruction and Zaweel's and Toshi's unit 5 

Ask students to write in their copy books if this is a good idea and why, or why not