Week 3: Jan 21-25
One Point Perspective

- Use the guides to trace lines for two sidewalks that meet at a point on the horizon line. Keep in mind the dashed perspective lines on this guide are meant to be used for reference, and not traced and made permanent.
- Draw three buildings on one side. Use the guides to help you draw vertical lines on the side, and angled lines on the top. Another way to check is to make sure the sides all look like parallel lines.
- Add windows, doors, and details. The sides should all be vertical, and the tops and bottoms angled.
- Draw a set of trees that get progressively smaller. The line the tops create will also point to the single vanishing point on the horizon line.
- Add straight lines on the sidewalk that appear to get smaller and shorter as they progress toward the horizon line. These will add even more of a perspective view to the drawing.
- Add dashed vertical lines for the center of the street. Trace the horizon line and add the sun on top. A few clouds will also brighten up the sky.
- Draw a car somewhere on the road, if you’d like.
- Trace and color with markers.
Add another layer of marker color to make shadows.