Week 3: May 5 - 9

Living in a village

Learning objective

Students define what is village

Students understand the benefits of a village

Students identify features of a village


Shelter, village , shop, cottage, pond, church, primary school

what is a village

Activity 1

Read pg 30 world around us book

Ask : what places did max mole visit?

Why is a village more than just a bunch of houses ?

Activity 2

As a class complete this crossword

Activity 3

Individually the students will complete the worksheet 16; Living in a village.

Label and colour the key features or a village.

Exploring local streets

Learning objectives

Students can identify features of a local street

Students match the description of an object to the picture

Students work can work together to fill in a worksheet

what is shelter?

Activity 1

Read pg 36 world around us book

Ask : what was in Williams way as he rushed down the street?

Work out what each photograph shows. The story can assist in describing the features

Activity 2

Student complete the city – themed worksheet.

The words will be presented on the white board, however the students will have to figure which word goes into the crossword line.

Inserting image...