Week 13: Dec 3-7

Dangers! How do we know about it?

Learning objective 

Students work in groups to provide a fire drill notice for their class.

Students identify sources of information relevant to dangers.


What do warnings mean - why is it important? 

Activity 1 

Where might you see these images? Describe what they mean.  

 What do we do if there is a fire?

Practice a fire drill and line up by the door 

Who can tell us about local dangers?

Learning objective

Students work in groups to get information about dangers from plants and animals in their own environment

Students identify possible sources of information about dangers from plants and animals in their own environment.

Do you think any of these animals or plants are dangerous, why?

How can you find out about dangerous plants and animals where you live? 

- Using the internet 

- Asking an adult 

- Research

Explaining the dangers of allergies