lesson 2- past continous

Read the text and highlight all the past continuous tense:

The Importance of Friendship

Friendship is a special bond between people. It is when two or more people care about each other and enjoy spending time together. Friends do many things together, like playing games, reading books, and collecting things.

One day, Sarah and Mia were playing in the park. They were running around, laughing and having a great time. Suddenly, Mia fell down, but Sarah helped her get back up. This showed how friends are always there to help each other, even when things don't go as planned.

After playing, Sarah and Mia sat down under a tree and were drinking some juice. They shared their snacks and enjoyed each other's company. They talked about their favorite books they were reading and the adventures they wanted to go on together.

As the sun started to set, Sarah and Mia decided to head home. They were hanging on to each other's hands, knowing that true friends stick together no matter what. When they arrived at Sarah's house, Mia said goodnight and Sarah was studying for her math test the next day.

In the evening, after Sarah was studying, she was eating dinner with her family. She felt grateful for having such a good friend like Mia. As she got into bed, she thought about all the fun they had that day. She was sleeping peacefully, with a smile on her face, knowing that she had a friend who would always be there for her.

Friendship is like a warm hug that lasts forever. It is full of happy moments and memories that make life beautiful.

Write some sentences in past continuous tense

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