Lesson 2- grammar/ subject and object pronouns

Read the text and answer the questions

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. He loved to play outside in the park with his friends. They would run and laugh together, playing games until the sun went down. Tim's favorite game was tag, where he would chase his friends and try to catch them. Sometimes, they would all sit under the big oak tree and share snacks that they brought from home.

One day, Tim found a lost puppy in the park. He was so excited to see it and knew he had to help. He gently picked up the puppy and carried it to his mom. She said they could take care of the puppy until they found its owner. Tim was happy to hear that and promised to take good care of the puppy until then.

Tim and his mom put up posters around the neighborhood to try to find the puppy's owner. They hoped that someone would recognize the cute little dog and come to take it home. In the meantime, Tim played with the puppy every day, teaching it tricks and giving it lots of love and attention. They became the best of friends, and Tim couldn't imagine his days without the playful puppy by his side.

Finally, after a few days, someone called Tim's mom saying they saw the posters and recognized the puppy. Tim was sad to say goodbye to his new friend, but he knew it was for the best. He hugged the puppy one last time and watched as its owner came to take it home. Tim felt proud that he had helped reunite the puppy with its family, and he knew that he would always have a special place in his heart for the little dog.

Text Dependent Questions on Subject and Object Pronouns:

  1. Who is the main character in the story named "Tim"?
  2. What pronoun is used to refer to Tim in the sentence, "He loved to play outside in the park with his friends"?
  3. How did Tim feel when he found the lost puppy in the park?
  4. In the sentence, "Tim was happy to hear that and promised to take good care of the puppy," who does the pronoun "he" refer to?
  5. What did Tim do with the puppy while they were waiting to find its owner?
  6. Which pronoun is used to refer to Tim's mom in the sentence, "She said they could take care of the puppy until they found its owner"?
  7. Who put up posters around the neighborhood to find the puppy's owner?
  8. In the sentence, "They hoped that someone would recognize the cute little dog," who does the pronoun "they" refer to?
  9. Describe the relationship between Tim and the lost puppy in the story.
  10. How did Tim feel when the puppy's owner finally came to take it home?

Answer Key:

  1. Tim
  2. He
  3. Excited
  4. Tim
  5. Played with it and taught it tricks
  6. She
  7. Tim and his mom
  8. Tim and his mom
  9. Best of friends, inseparable
  10. Sad but proud