Lesson 2- Spelling and vocabulary

High frequency words

choose 5 words and put them in a sentence( pair work)

phonics, read the sounds and write words related on your white board

Read the text and highlight the main vocabulary

Learning About Our World

Vocabulary Words Included: tremendous, gracious, keen, eager, trustworthy, briskly, grimly

Around the world, people have different customs and traditions that make our planet a tremendous and diverse place. From the gracious hospitality in some countries to the keen interest in learning new things in others, we can all learn so much from each other. Children everywhere are eager to discover new things and make friends, showing that they are trustworthy and kind. Whether speaking slowly and politely or moving briskly to help someone in need, people around the world communicate their feelings grimly when faced with challenges. Together, we can learn about each other and celebrate the richness of our global community.

Choose 5 words and put them in a sentence:






Read the text and highlight the words

People all around the world are really nice and polite, being gracious when they meet each other. Everywhere you go, you'll see amazing things, like huge mountains or endless oceans. People are always excited to see new stuff, showing how keen they are to learn and explore. And when things get tough, you can count on them to be trustworthy, helping out when things get rough. Even when times are tough and things seem a bit sad, folks keep moving forward, briskly working to make things better. So, no matter where you are, you'll find friendly faces, exciting adventures, and a lot of hope.

Everywhere you look around the world, there are people who are really eager to try new things and learn about different places. They're so keen to explore that they'll go to tremendous lengths to see the world's wonders. But sometimes, things don't go as planned, and they might face grimly situations. Yet, even in tough times, people find strength in their eagerness to overcome challenges and keep going. It's truly remarkable to see the tremendous resilience and determination that people show, no matter what obstacles they encounter. So, whether it's exploring new cultures or facing difficulties, there's always a sense of eager anticipation for what's to come.

Second Grade Vocabulary

1. What does "gracious" mean?

a. Big
b. Friendly
c. Fast
2. Choose the word that means very big:

a. Trustworthy
b. Grimly

c. Tremendous

3. What is the synonym of "eager"?

a. Sad
b. Ready
c. Slow

4. Which word means showing enthusiasm or interest?

a. Tremendous
b. Keen
c. Gracious

5. What does "trustworthy" mean?

a. Serious
b. Reliable
c. Wet

6. Choose the word that means in a strict or serious manner:

a. Gracious
b. Tremendous
c. Grimly

7. What is the antonym of "slowly"?

a. Briskly
b. Trustworthy
c. Keen
8. What is the synonym of "tremendous"?

a. Huge
b. Small
c. Fast

9. Choose the word that means with great energy and speed:

a. Grimly
b. Eager
c. Briskly

10. What does "keen" mean?

a. Boring
b. Smart
c. Kind

11. Select the word that means warm and friendly:

a. Trustworthy
b. Briskly
c. Gracious

12. What is the opposite of "grimly"?

a. Eagerly
b. Greatly
c. Happily

13. Choose the word that means quickly and energetically:

a. Gracious
b. Briskly
c. Tremendous

14. What does "briskly" mean?

a. Slowly
b. Swiftly
c. Tiredly
d. Quietly

15. What is the synonym of "trustworthy"?

a. Reliable
b. Funny
c. Loud

16. Choose the word that means very large or great:

a. Gracious
b. Keen
c. Tremendous

17. What does "eager" mean?

a. Unwilling
b. Enthusiastic
c. Serious

18. What is the antonym of "loudly"?

a. Quietly
b. Briskly
c. Grimly

19. What is the synonym of "gracious"?

a. Sad
b. Friendly
c. Busy