Lesson 2-Comprehension- ( read and understand the features of writing a letter)


129, Navig Apartements

Pitampura, Delhi-110034

March 01, 2019

131, Gouna Square

Big City

Dear Rudra,

It has been a while since I have heard from you. Where have you been? I hope this letter finds you in the best of your health.

As summers are approaching. I was thinking if we could spend the summer break together at my place in Mumbai. I will introduce you to all my friends and close relatives. I will give you a city tour as well. We will spend some quality time in the afternoons near the sea shore. To add cherry on the cake, the weather here is very pleasant during those days due to sea winds.

I am excited even at the thought of you and I spending the summer together after so long. I have to tell you a lot of things and expect the same from you. Give my regards to aunty and uncle!

Hope to see you soon

Yours sincerely,


Comprehension and Letter Writing Features Questions:

  • What is the date mentioned at the beginning of the letter?
  • Who is the recipient of the letter and where is the recipient located?
  • What does the writer express about the weather in Mumbai during the summer break?
  • What activities does the writer propose to do during the summer break with the recipient?
  • What does the writer expect from the recipient in the letter?
  • What is the purpose of the writer's invitation to the recipient?
  • How does the writer express his feelings?
  • What is the tone of the letter, formal or informal?
  • How does the writer address the recipient at the beginning and end of the letter?
  • What is the writer looking forward to in the letter?
  • Answer Key:
  • March 01, 2019
  • Rudra; Gouna Square, Big City
  • The weather is very pleasant during those days due to sea winds.
  • Introduce to friends and relatives, city tour, spend time near the sea shore.
  • Expect the same from you.
  • To spend the summer break together and share experiences.
  • The writer expresses his feelings by saying that he is looking forward to meet him soon.
  • Informal
  • Dear Rudra; Yours sincerely, Sasha
  • Spending quality time and sharing experiences.


Workbook pages 38 and 39