Lesson 2- Grammar (Suffixes)

Classwork Sheets

Homework- Grammar book pages 

Read the text and highlight the suffixes(ful-less) words

Vocabulary Words Included: helpless, cheerful, fearless, useful, careless, tuneful, powerful, wonderful, spotless, painful, colorful, fearless

Animals are a wonderful part of our world. They come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. Some animals are powerful, like lions and tigers, while others are helpful and useful, like dogs and horses. Animals can be fearless, like the mighty eagle soaring through the sky. They can also be cheerful, like birds singing a tuneful melody in the trees.

But not all animals are big and powerful. Some animals, like kittens and puppies, are small and helpless when they are born. They rely on their parents to take care of them until they grow strong.

Animals live in all sorts of habitats, from the rainforest to the desert. They have unique ways of adapting to their surroundings. Some animals use camouflage to blend in with their environment, while others have colorful patterns to stand out and attract a mate.

Animals keep their homes clean. You'll often see birds building spotless nests and bees creating amazing honeycombs.

Unfortunately, animals can also experience painful moments. They can get hurt or feel sick, just like humans. But with the help of veterinarians and animal rescuers, they can receive the care they need.

The animal world is truly colorful and full of life. From the mischievous monkeys swinging through trees to the graceful dolphins leaping in the ocean, animals bring joy and wonder to our world. Let's cherish and protect them!