Lesson 3- Comprehension

Watch the video then answer the questions

Work in pairs and answer these questions

Animals Video Comprehension Questions

1. Which animal cannot burp?

a. Squirrels
b. Rats
c. Octopuses
d. Turtles

2. Who among the following animals can give birth?

a. Squirrels
b. Male seahorses
c. Rats
d. Turtles

3. How do turtles breathe?

a. Through their mouths
b. Through their noses
c. Through their skin
d. Through their butts

4. What is the plural of octopuses?

a. Octopuses
b. Octopi
c. Octopodes
d. Octopuses and Octopi

5. What happens if you pour mouthwash on a scorpion?

a. It will run away.
b. It will become clean.
c. It will smell fresh.
d. It will stab itself with its stinger.

6. Do ants ever sleep?

a. Yes
b. No

7. Do vampire bats actually drink blood?

a. Yes
b. No

8. How do penguins propose to each other?

a. By singing a song
b. By exchanging pebbles
c. By dancing
d. By giving flowers

9. Why do sloths come down from trees?

a. To find food
b. To stretch their legs
c. To go to the bathroom
d. To socialize

10. Can emus walk backwards?

a. Yes
b. No

Answer Key:

  1. a. Squirrels [00:00:11 - 00:00:32]
  2. b. Male seahorses [00:00:22 - 00:00:47]
  3. d. Through their butts [00:00:22 - 00:00:47]
  4. a. Octopuses and Octopi [00:00:34 - 00:00:58]
  5. d. It will stab itself with its stinger. [00:01:12 - 00:01:37]
  6. b. No [00:01:24 - 00:01:45]
  7. a. Yes [00:01:35 - 00:01:59]
  8. b. By exchanging pebbles [00:01:47 - 00:02:10]
  9. c. To go to the bathroom [00:01:59 - 00:02:20]
  10. b. No [00:02:08 - 00:02:29]

Homework-Comprehension book pages 46 and 47

Classwork- Comprehension book page 46