Lesson 3- Reading and Comprehension

Watch the video then answer the questions


Divide the kids into 4 groups then ask them to answer the questions then rotate around.

Video Comprehension Questions: Animals Living in Groups

1. Why do animals live in groups?

a. To find food easily
b. To protect themselves from predators
c. To keep warm in cold temperatures
d. All of the above

2. What is one benefit of animals living together in large groups?

a. They can warn each other of possible dangers
b. They can defend themselves against predators
c. They can take care of their offspring together
d. All of the above

3. How do penguins stay warm in the icy cold of the Antarctic region?

a. By huddling together
b. By building nests
c. By swimming in the water
d. By flying away to warmer places

4. Why do hippos always stay close together when taking a nap?

a. To protect their offspring from predators
b. To keep each other warm
c. To find food easily
d. To entertain themselves

5. What do meerkats do when a predator approaches?

a. They start to whistle
b. They run away as fast as they can
c. They hide in their den
d. They attack the predator

6. What is one reason why wildebeests move in a group when crossing a river?

a. To find lusher pastures
b. To scare away crocodiles
c. To increase their chances of survival
d. To have fun swimming together

7. What are some reasons why animals live in groups?

a. To protect each other from the cold
b. To find food and possible mates
c. To learn from each other
d. All of the above

8. True or False: Animals live in groups to avoid predators.

a. True
b. False

9. True or False: Penguins keep warm by swimming in the icy water.

a. True
b. False

10. True or False: Meerkats attack predators when they approach.

a. True
b. False

Classwork Pages 42, 43 and 44

Homework pages 45