lesson 3- Wednesday, 13th March

Learners book pages 66 and 67

Learning about Our Amazing World

Vocabulary Words Included: biggest, brighter, larger, happier, highest, oldest, safer, colder, coldest, longer, longest, higher, highest

Our world is full of wonders! Have you ever wondered which is the biggest ocean, or the brightest star in the sky? The oceans are so vast, and some mountains are even larger than you can imagine! Explorers travel to faraway places to discover new animals and plants, making them feel happier than ever. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world, and some trees are among the oldest living beings. Remember to stay safer by wearing a coat when it gets colder, especially during the coldest days of winter. Rivers can be longer than you think, and some snakes are the longest in the world! Birds can fly higher than our tallest buildings, reaching the highest points in the sky. There's so much to learn about our incredible planet!

Answer the following questions:

1-Highlight the adjectives in the text

2-Write a sentence from the text with a suffixes “er”


3-Write a sentence from the text with a suffixes “est”


4- What information is provided about Mount Everest in the text?


5-How are explorers described in the passage and why do they travel to faraway places?


6-According to the text, why is it important to wear a coat during the coldest days of winter?


7-Which of the following is mentioned as the highest mountain in the text?
A) Mount Kilimanjaro
B) Mount Everest
C) K2
D) Matterhorn

8-According to the text, why do explorers travel to faraway places?
A) To escape their homes
B) To discover new animals and plants
C) To avoid colder weather
D) To climb mountains

9-What is the advice given in the text to stay safer during colder days?
A) Wear a coat
B) Wear a hat
C) Swim in the ocean
D) Stay indoors

10-Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text?
A) Some mountains are larger than imaginable
B) Rivers can be longer than expected
C) Birds can't fly higher than buildings
D) Some snakes are the longest in the world