
Spelling List 5


  • Understand the long vowel 'oa' and its common spelling patterns.
  • Recognise and differentiate words that contain the long vowel 'oa - ow - o-e'.
  • Spell some words accurately that contain the long vowel 'oa - ow - o-e'.

PowerPoint Presentation

Kindly make sure to always check the PowerPoint Presentations as they serve as a reliable reference for your child to review and reinforce what they have learned in class. You'll find all the videos, interactive games, quizzes, and other multimedia elements embedded.


Magic e!

Extra Video!


  • Every Sunday, a new spelling list will be provided for your child.
  • Every Sunday, there will be a spelling test on the previous week's words.
  • Encourage your child to study the 10 spelling words using the provided PowerPoint (PPT) and to write the words every day in their copybook.
  • Your child has a copybook for the spelling test and spelling homework.
  • Kindly make sure your child brings the spelling copybook and spelling book to school every Sunday.


Writing the 10 spelling words in the copybook and answering page 11 in the spelling book.


1. Writing the 10 spelling words in the spelling copybook (Spelling Practice Sheet) every day.

2. Live Worksheet. Links:

How to answer live worksheets at home:

  1. Click on the provided link to access the worksheet.
  2. Open the link on a mobile device or laptop. Ensure that the device has a stable internet connection.
  3. Read the instructions and questions carefully and let them answer by themselves but encourage them to seek your assistance if they need help.
  4. Remind your child to review their answers before submitting.
  5. Once your child has completed the worksheet, they should click on the "Finish" button, then "Check My Answers".