Bucket filler stars!
In this page, we celebrate kindness, good manners, friendship and any form of great personality traits! By the end of each day we give out stars to all the Astronauts who had shown discipline, followed school routines and rules, and had shown good citizenship towards our class and school community. Way to go Astronauts!
Lilia ❤️ 10 stars!
Camilia, Carmen, Celia, Jameela, Laila, and Jamila ❤️ 10 stars!
Youssef ❤️ 5 Stars!
Yassin ❤️ 5 Stars!
Ahmed, Celine, Youssef ❤️ 10 Stars!
Yousif ❤️ 5 Stars!
Carmen, Dyala, Lilia, Laila, Celia, Jameela, Adam, Yahia, Jamila ❤️ 5 stars!
Jameela ❤️ 5 stars!
Jamila, Celia, Carmen, Laila, Lilia, Yahia, Adam O, Adam A, Youssef Sh. ❤️ 5 stars!
Camilia ❤️ 5 stars!
Dalida, Hana, and Mohamed ❤️ 5 stars!
Dyala ❤️ 5 stars!
Celine and Youssef ❤️ 5 stars!